
Denis V. Iroshnikov. Formation and development of security theory in Russia

UDK: 614.8

Denis V. Iroshnikov - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department “Theory of law, history of law and international law” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has examined the formation and development of security theory in Russia as an integrated system of scientific knowledge. This process was analyzed not only from the organizational point of view (when and which scientific organizations, teams, scientific schools, working groups and individual scientists were engaged in this issue), but from a scientific point of view. The first issue of the current study was to identify specific scientific results that researchers achieved at one stage or another of the security theory formation. The security theory development was relatively long and objectively difficult, since it had been politically and ideologically influenced during the period of the USSR. In this regard, security theory began to actively develop only after the collapse of the USSR. The new socio-political conditions served to form a fundamentally different security paradigm, implying its broad understanding. This served as the impetus for the emergence of a number of relevant scientific studies devoted to theoretical security issues, including conceptual-categorical and structural-functional aspects. Since security is an interdisciplinary scientific category, its theory formation occurred in parallel in philosophical, legal, political, sociological and other sciences. Legal scholars have achieved particular success in the study of theoretical aspects of security, since the relevant studies were based on the study of the relevant branch of the legislation of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it has been necessary to distinguish between security theory and various variations of the legal security theory. The conducted analysis of the security theory genesis in Russian science allowed with a certain degree of convention to single out three stages in the security theory development, each of which has been characterized by a corresponding contribution to its development. The current study is intended to become a methodological basis for further research in the field of theoretical foundations of security and national security, as well as its types.

Keywords: security; security science; security theory; national security; state security; transport security.


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