
Roman L. Kharlanov. The role of the state in enforcing security of the critical information infrastructure on transport

UDK: 656.078.12

Roman L. Kharlanov - post graduate of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. In connection with the increased role of information security in general, as well as against the background of the Federal Law “On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation” that has been in effect for almost four years, the issue of enforcing information security on transport and the role of state bodies authorized to solve relevant problems is of great relevance. There have been used formal logical and historical methods in the current study. As a result of the study, the author has formulated conclusions about the priority tasks of state bodies authorized to solve tasks to enforce information security, taking into account new challenges and threats, which, first of all, are due to the most powerful development of end-to-end digital technologies.

Keywords: critical information infrastructure; enforcing information security; challenges and threats to information security; organizational measures to enforce information security.


  1. Goryan, E. V. Institutsional'nyye mekhanizmy obespecheniya bezopasnosti kriticheskoy informatsionnoy infrastruktury Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Singapura: sravnitel'no-pravovoy aspekt [Institutional mechanisms for ensuring the security of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation and Singapore: a comparative legal aspect]// Administrativnoye i munitsipal'noye pravo. ― 2018. ― № 9. ― S. 49—60.

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