
Olga N. Skuybedina, Olga V. Kobzeva, Anastasiya E. Sobalevskaya. The main stages in the development of transport legal regulation in Russia, Great Britain and France and their interaction

UDK: 341.9:347.463

Olga N. Skuybedina - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor of the department ‘Methodology of law and legal communication’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Olga V. Kobzeva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor of the department ‘Methodology of law and legal communication’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Anastasiya E. Sobalevskaya - assistant of the President of the Association of manufactures and exporters of domestic sports goods and equipment (AMEDSGE)

Abstract. The current paper has presented the analysis of the formation of legal regulation of public relations that emerged in the field of transport. The paper has considered the gradual development of these transport relations from the period of Ancient Russia to the present day. There were identified the reasons for the formation of Russian transport law, as a set of norms of different branches of law, regulating a wide range of activities of different types of transport. On the example of English and French law and its comparison with the practice of domestic legal regulation of transport relations, there has been drawn a parallel between these processes and there has been established a number of common features.

Keywords: legal regulation of transport; legal regulation of public relations; transport law.


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