
Elena L. Fedorova, Olga N. Skuybedina. Transport as a field of speech safety: the formation of the concept “speech crime”

UDK: 343.346

Elena L. Fedorova - Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor of the department ‘Methodology of law and legal communication’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Olga N. Skuybedina - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Methodology of law and legal communication’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. Recently, there has identified a necessity in qualified linguists who can give an accurate answer about the content of a particular text, from the point of view of ‘speech crime’. The current paper has considered the history of the development of the concept ‘speech crime’. There have been considered a number of legislative acts that provide for punishment for non-compliance with the norms of public communication, which is proposed by modern legislation. There have been identified the problems of introducing the concepts of crimes committed by means of the speech. There have been also developed the methodological approaches to the development of speech competencies under working conditions on transport for students.

Keywords: linguistic definition; culture of safety; conditions of speech crime; defamation; slander; crime on transport.


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