
Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. On the preventive measures of the crimes associated with illegal modification of an identification numbers of vehicles

UDK: 343.3/.7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - senior lecturer of the department ‘Criminal law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has analyzed the features of the unlawful act envisaged by Art. 326 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (falsification or destruction of the vehicle identification number), considered as one of the links in a criminal scheme related to unlawful seizure of a vehicle for the purpose of its theft and subsequent resale. There have been considered some legal problems that arise during the registration of vehicles with modified identification numbers. In conclusion, the author has proposed specific measures for applying identification numbers to new vehicles at manufacturing plants, which would reduce the number of such crimes. Also, there have been identified other possibilities for eliminating the causes and conditions for the crimes associated with illegal modification of an identification numbers of vehicles.

Keywords: identification number; vehicle; marking technology; illegal modification of an identification number; vehicle theft.


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