
Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin. Issues of implementing the program-targeted and project approaches to permanent education of staff for solving system-wide transport problems

UDK: 378.667.1:656

Aleksandr Ig. Zemlin - Doctor of Law, professor, head of the department 'Transport Law' of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, supervisor of the direction of the Scientific-Advisory Section of the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Abstract. The current paper studies the legal foundations and practice of applying program-targeted and project approaches to solving system-wide transport problems, including in the field of staff training. The attention has been focused on the role of permanent education of transport specialists to implement the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of the transport system”. Based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations and principles legalized in the legislation and the procedure for constructing a system of legal support for the implementation of the program-targeted and project approach to solving the problems of the transport system of Russia, there have been proposed directions to improve activities in this area.

Keywords: development of the transport system of Russia; program-targeted planning method; project approach; personnel training; permanent education; the state program of the Russian Federation 'Development of the transport system'.


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