
Aleksandr P. Dzhabiev. Chinese megaproject «One Belt One Road (OBOR)»: prospects for the international transport infrastructure development and the world economy revitalization

UDK: 339.9

Aleksandr P. Dzhabiev - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of customs law and organization of the customs affairs, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. During the existence of the Silk Road that united East and West in trade, economy, diplomacy and culture, there occurred significant transformations, but the Silk Road has retained its role of intercivilizational dialogue and a connection between countries and continents. Under dynamically changing external environment, the mankind is witnessing the increasing activity of the Silk Road, its geopolitical significance, as today a number of countries is proposing new initiatives to revive the Silk Road. The paper studies the prospects and opportunities to implement the Chinese megaproject ‘One Belt One Road (OBOR)’, aimed at reviving the Silk Road. The results of the 2nd Forum of International Cooperation ‘One Belt One Road (OBOR)’ have been analyzed. The author thinks, that the main reasons to form and implement this project is the global economy growth decrease, as well as an increase in the use of protectionist measures in the system of world economic relations. It has been noted that this project, which envisages the establishment of trade and economic relations between Asia and Europe through the implementation of large-scale transport and logistics infrastructure projects, corresponds to the global economy development. There has been argued a conclusion, that due to the intensification of international transport route construction, the Russia's most important strategic task is to use the Chinese initiative to gain substantial economic dividends based on close mutually beneficial and comprehensive cooperation.

Keywords: Silk Road; Eurasian space; The World Bank; world economy; transport and logistics lines.


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