
Oleg S. Openyshev. On the organization of prosecutor’s supervision over implementation of the legislation on protection of entrepreneurs’ rights in transport

UDK: 347.963:656

Oleg S. Openyshev - candidate of Law, deputy of the Moscow Interregional Transport prosecutor, state 3-rd class counselor of justice

Abstract. Based on the systematic legal and formally dogmatic analysis of the legislation on prosecutorial supervision and transport legislation, the article presents the study results of fundamental approaches to the organization of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of legislation on protection of entrepreneurs’ rights in transport. The conducted analysis has revealed some contradictions and gaps in the legislation that are of significant theoretical and practical importance for enforcement of law in transport. There have been analyzed main violations detected during prosecutor's checks in this area. Special attention has been paid to the analysis of the activities of regulatory bodies as a means to provide legality and discipline of participants in transport relations. There have been formulated and substantiated some conclusions on the need to improve the regulatory framework, as well as the organization of prosecutor’s supervision over implementation of the legislation on protection of entrepreneurs’ rights in transport, which should be based on the development of uniform methodological approaches to the development of conceptual and categorical apparatus to harmonize legal terms with the necessity to improve the efficiency and legality of transport activities, to eliminate conflicts and gaps in legal regulation.

Keywords: prosecutor's office; transport prosecutor's office; transport complex; entrepreneurs; legislation on the protection of entrepreneurs’ rights.


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