№4(52) (4th quarter of 2024)

Issue №4(52) (4th quarter of 2024)

#Administrative and legal regulation of transport relations

1 Dangerous driving: legal, technical and psychological aspects of the issue
2 Airport border security: retrospective analysis and legal regulation prospects
3 Objects of ensuring sustainable development and security of the transport system in the Donetsk People's Republic
4 Organizational and legal measures to ensure the integrity and efficiency of management of state property of the joint-stock company "Russian Railways"

#Criminal and legal measures of fight against transport crimes

5 Investigation of crimes and aviation incidents at the infrastructure facilities of the Russian air fleet
6 Criminal features of organized crime in transport: modern analysis and response methods
7 On the issue of cable locking and sealing devices’ resistance to unauthorized opening
8 Illegal arms trafficking as a threat to national security

#Civil and legal aspects of transport law and security

9 Holding as the way to organize business activities in railway transport: the correlation between public and private interests

#Legal framework of national security

10 Threat to national security in the Murmansk region: a practice-oriented study
11 Legal Challenges to Cyber Sovereignty

#Information and legal enforcement of transport activity and security

12 Analysis of road traffic accidents as a method of estimating road safety
13 Legal regime of information systems used for information modeling in transport construction

#Maritime Law

14 Key areas of activity of the International Seabed Authority

#Theory and methodology of transport law

15 Ontologies in transport law

#History of transport law

16 What is the origin of criminal liability for transport crimes?

#Conferences results

17 Review of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Legal issues of enforcement of national security of the Russian Federation”, dedicated to the National Unity Day (A.S. Griboedov Moscow University, Moscow, November 1, 2024)

Journal Transport law and security, Issue 52

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