
Igor V. Evstifeev, Mariya An. Matveeva. Legal regulation and prospects for the use of cryptocurrencies in transport

UDK: 336.7:347.7

Igor V. Evstifeev - LLC “EnergoGroup Development”

Mariya An. Matveeva - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has presented the discussion of the possible prospects for using cryptocurrencies as an alternative means of payment in international trade, the transport industry, as well as the prospects for using cryptocurrencies instead of traditional international currencies (dollar and euro), which have lost their leading positions in recent years, primarily for political reasons. There have been considered problematic issues of legal regulation of cryptocurrencies at the international level, in Russian legislation. There have been shown approaches of different states to the regulation of cryptocurrency relations. The main purpose of the paper was to study the gaps and contradictions in Russian and international legislation in the field of regulation of cryptocurrency relations. Achieving the goals is carried out by solving such problems as studying the prerequisites for the development of cryptocurrency as a means of payment, studying the theoretical and legal aspects of the legal regulation of cryptocurrency relations in Russia and abroad.

Keywords: cryptocurrency; digital ruble; digital currency; legal regulation; Moscow transport.


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