
Irina Iv. Shatskaya, Lyudmila M. Maleshina. Companies of the transport sector of the Russian economy: analysis of investment attractiveness

UDK: 338.47

Irina Iv. Shatskaya - Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Lyudmila M. Maleshina - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The relevance of the analysis of the investment attractiveness of companies in the transport sector is due to the presence of projects aimed at the development, establishment, and digitalization of transport infrastructure facilities, which are associated with high costs in a highly competitive environment. The current paper has presented the results of an estimation of the investment attractiveness of Russian leaders in terms of market capitalization in the sector “Transport”, whose shares are traded on the stock market of the Moscow Exchange (MOEX). The authors have considered a set of analytics tools for potential investors that will help with the selection of promising companies for investment in the transport sector, which is one of the most widely diversified, and avoid unjustified risks with investing money. There has been concluded that there is no single methodology for estimating the investment attractiveness of companies, which has allowed the authors to propose their own approach to solving this problem.

Keywords: transport companies; investment attractiveness; market capitalization; market price; financial analysis; investment multipliers.


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