
Dmitriy V. Kuzakov. Typical traces of crimes related to the services for passenger transportation by water and air (Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

UDK: 343.9:656.7.025

Dmitriy V. Kuzakov - lecturer of the department of organization of judicial and law enforcement activities of the East Siberian Branch of the Russian State University of Justice

Abstract. The current paper has considered a significant number of accidents on air and water transport, as well as the complexity of the investigation of crimes committed on these modes of transport, due to their specificity. The author has proposed a classification of traces of crimes related to the services for passenger transportation by water and air, that do not meet the requirements for life and health safety of citizens. The base of the classification consisted of the facts, which were indicated by the traces of this type of crime.

Keywords: trace; water transport; air transport; service.


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