
Vladimir E. Sudenko. Training of transport security specialists

UDK: 372.8:378

Vladimir E. Sudenko - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics, Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The article discusses some problematic issues of higher education in the training of specialists who enforce safety regulations at transport infrastructure facilities and are responsible for its results. It has been indicated that there are very significant gaps in the work of the departments responsible for educational and scientific activities, including numerous documents and instructions which meaningless increase paperwork, but not scientific, creative work of university professors. Such a policy in the field of education and science hardly promotes training of specialists with deep solid knowledge necessary for their practical and scientific activities, including transport security. The students’ desire to acquire the profound knowledge necessary for future work and in life, excluding the pursuit of high grades, which are often not supported by relevant knowledge, is of great importance. It has been recommended to change the "quantitative" training of specialists on "qualitative" training, i.e. giving them ability to apply their knowledge not only in a specific transport industry, but also on individual sides of the industry, which will meet the safety requirements for all transport infrastructure.

Keywords: education; competence; skills; creative activity; scientific achievements; security; transport.


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