Статьи номера | Issue №47

Articles of the journal issue №3 (47) (3rd quarter of 2023)

All articles in PDF

Vladimir V. Khomik. Contradictions between transport and fire safety: what choice to make?

UDK: 656.2.08; 614.842

Vladimir V. Khomik - JSC Fishing collective farm “Vostok-1” (Vladivostok)

Abstract. Transport security is the state of protection of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles from acts of illegal interference. Threats of committing acts of illegal interference require transport infrastructure entities to unquestioningly comply with requirements to enforce transport security. Compliance with transport safety requirements is monitored by supervisory authorities represented by the transport prosecutor’s office and Rostransnadzor. But what should a shipowner do if compliance with transport safety legislation entails a violation of fire safety rules? Is it necessary to install an access control system to critical elements of the ship, understanding that if there is a fire, people may die on it, and failure to comply with transport safety requirements will result in criminal penalties? The current paper has considered the contradictions in transport and fire safety requirements regarding the installation of access control systems to critical elements on ships. There have been studied existing regulatory documents and have been formulated proposals to resolve the identified contradictions in the legislation.

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Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. Using the capabilities of modern technologies in establishing the circumstances of a traffic accident

UDK: 343.3/.7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (RUT MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has studied issues related to the use of modern technical means, the use of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of inspection of the scene of a traffic accident, eliminating the implementation of unproductive and voluminous operations during investigative actions and, ultimately, investigations in cases of this category. There has been considered the possibility of using external outdoor cameras and video recorders for these purposes, as a means of quickly and objectively establishing all the circumstances of the accident, determining the role of each area in the accident and the technical quantities necessary to resolve the issues posed to the expert, in particular, such a technical quantity, as vehicle speed, which is one of the main quantities used when carrying out calculations in the process of performing forensic automotive technical examinations.

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