UDK: 342.5
Armen Ar. Asatryan - Institute of Law and National Security of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Abstract. Long-term strategic planning is a necessary link in national security enforcement of this country. Even though it is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how events in the sphere of national security will develop in the future, long-term forecasting based on trends allows preparing the country in a timely manner to overcome certain challenges and threats, and to build an appropriate state policy. Such forecasting can bring positive results provided that the relevant documents are updated periodically, which will allow for a timely estimation of certain challenges and threats in terms of their relevance, as well as the likelihood of their transition from the potential to the real category. Based on the forecasts, there have been developed long-term goals in enforcing national security. Thus, long-term planning becomes a key factor in enforcing national security.
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