About us

The online scientific journal "Transport Law and Security" (ISSN 2500-1868) publishes research materials, summaries, reviews on the topic of legal maintenance of the transport industry and legal aspects of transport security.

The journal is intended to arrange a dialogue of researchers, teachers, post-graduates and master students, as well as specialists interested in the current issues of legal maintenance of all components of the transport industry.

The publisher

The founder and publisher of the journal is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Higher Education "Russian University of Transport (MIIT)".

At the moment "RUT (MIIT)" is the largest higher education institution in Russia, which trains highly qualified personnel in the sphere of transport. Its largest scientific potential includes a wide list of well-known researchers, practitioners in various areas of the transport industry. MIIT is a basic University of the Russian Academy of Transport, as well as the Association of Transport Universities and the Council for Education and Science in the Transport Area under the Coordination Transport Meeting of the CIS member-states. MIIT is also a member of the Association of Transport Colleges.

There are a number of scientific schools in the field of Law at the Law Institute of the University. MIIT’s Law Institute also has its own Post-Graduate School (Program).

The aims of the journal:

  • to create and expand the information platform for the accumulation and exchange of information on leading research in the field of Transport Law, as well as for an open discussion of scientific ideas;
  • to contribute to the provision of legal support for the innovative development of the Russian Transport Industry;
  • a familiarization of researchers with the leading research of national and foreign scientists in the field of Legal Security at Transport Infrastructure Facilities;
  • a stimulation of publication and research activities of master students and post-graduates in the area of Transport Law and Security at Transport Infrastructure Facilities;
  • to promote the growth of the scientific competence of young researchers/lawyers.

The objectives of the journal:

  • to provide authors of scientific articles with a high-quality editorial and publishing mechanism of the publication process, as well as scientific consultations and methodological guidance;
  • to organize a high-quality discussion platform for productive dialogue between scientists, lecturers and specialists.

Due to well-organized work of a large number of professionals in their field (practitioners, researchers) "Transport Law and Security" Journal seeks to publish a contemporary and popular content. The editorial staff highly appreciates the cooperation and is sincerely grateful to everyone who is involved into the release process of our electronic journal.

The journal is issued 4 times a year (in March, June, September, and December).

The scientific field of the journal is an area of Law - 12.00.00 (according to the classification of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation).

The journal is included in the system of The Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI — ID: 59632), according to the Agreement № 381-06/2016, dated June 24, 2016.

The number of the Registration Certificate of Mass Media is EL № FS 77-64237, dated December 25, 2015.