
Ekaterina V. Ushakova, Valeriya V. Andrianova, Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva. Some features of holding liable for actions that threaten the safe operation of vehicles

UDK: 629

Ekaterina V. Ushakova - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian Customs Academy

Valeriya V. Andrianova - Candidate of Law, Moscow Humanitarian Economic University (MHEU)

Ekaterina Iv. Kobzeva - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has considered some aspects of liability for actions that threaten the safe operation of vehicles. There is a problem of holding liable in all types of transport, including railways. Thus, at present, due to widespread digitalization and the posting of propaganda information on Internet pages, risky travel by rail is becoming increasingly frightening. The activity of “train surfers” is presented in a positive, attractive way, arousing interest in young people. The adoption of a law in terms of observing the rights, freedoms in safe operation of the activity of train surfers will be the implementation of the principle of social justice.

Keywords: railway transport; railways; security; train surfer; violation of traffic rules; social justice; penalties.


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