
Nadezhda Ev. Kozachenko. On the concept of information security in the transport field

UDK: 347.45

Nadezhda Ev. Kozachenko - Joint Stock Company “TMKh-Locomotives”

Abstract. The basis for regulatory regulation of information security issues is the specificity of this category as a special legal phenomenon. At the same time, in the scientific literature there is no certainty regarding the essence of this legal phenomenon, its characteristic features and immanent signs of legal relations, which is explained by the polysemy and complexity of this phenomenon itself, and an inconsistent approach of a lawmaker to the definition of this concept. The problem is aggravated by the uncertainty of the doctrinal definition of information security as a basic categorical concept, which does not allow identifying its essential features and properties in relation to such an object of legal protection as a transport field. Based on the study results, there has been proved that there are no real contradictions between the ‘legal’ (objective) and ‘technological’ approaches to defining information security, and the author positions only complement each other. There has been proposed to combine the activity itself to achieve a state of security and the result of such activity in the concept of information security. Considering the specifics of the transport industry there has been proposed a definition of information security in the transport field and made proposals to improve the current legislation in terms of clarifying the definitions present in it.

Keywords: information security; data protection; transport security; information legal relationship; information.


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