
Ildar R. Al’bikov. Legal regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in airspace

UDK: 347.823

Ildar R. Al’bikov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute

Abstract. The current paper deals with the consideration of legal aspects and problems of regulation of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace. There have been analyzed relevant legal acts and international agreements governing the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. There have been considered the issues of liability for violation of airspace laws when operating drones, as well as measures to ensure flight safety and the protection of personal data when using these devices. There have been highlighted possible changes in legislation to regulate this area and reduce the risks associated with the use of drones. The current paper has also provided a comparative analysis of the legal norms of various countries in this area and highlighted the main trends in the development of regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the airspace.

Keywords: aerial vehicles; safety; airspace; aviation.


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