
Dmitry Al. Filippov. The Caspian Sea: history of the legal regime formation and development

UDK: 349.6

Dmitry Al. Filippov - Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The current paper has considered the stages of legal regulation of the use of the Caspian Sea by the states belonging to the Caspian basin in various historical periods. There has been conducted a retrospective review of regulatory legal acts regulating relations in the Caspian Sea since the beginning of the twentieth century to the present time. There have been identified the legal consequences of the lack of uniformity of approaches to the legal status of the Caspian Sea for relations regarding the use of its natural resources. There have been considered the prerequisites for various approaches to the legal regime of the Caspian Sea. There has been studied the significance of the development of shipping on the Caspian Sea for the implementation of the goals of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 with a forecast until 2035. There have been established the key factors influencing changes in the volume of cargo transshipment through the ports of the Caspian Basin.

Keywords: the Caspian Sea; legal status of the Caspian Sea; treaties and agreements on the Caspian Sea; legal regulation of shipping; countries surrounded by the Caspian Sea.


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