
Sergey N. Yazykeev. Specifics of restrictions on human rights and freedoms to ensure national security under martial law and during counter-terrorism operations

UDK: 342.76

Sergey N. Yazykeev - judge of the Saratov Regional Court

Abstract. The current paper has presented the analysis of the specifics of restrictions on human rights and freedoms to enforce national security under martial law and during counter-terrorism operations. There has been noted that in conditions of martial law and counter-terrorism operations, personal, political, socio-economic, and even cultural constitutional human rights defined in the law are subject to restrictions. However, the implementation of some of them may be completely prohibited. There have been identified contradictions in the current legislation of the Russian Federation and proposed scientifically based recommendations for their elimination.

Keywords: restrictions on human rights; national security; martial law; countering terrorism; counter-terrorism operation.


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