
Aleksey An. Maksurov. Conclusion and testimony of an expert and specialist: similarities and differences

UDK: 343.1

Aleksey An. Maksurov - Candidate of Law, Yaroslavl State University named after P. G. Demidov

Abstract. Based on an analysis of the current criminal procedural legislation, there have been studied the most popular “objective” sources and forms of obtaining special knowledge in practice: the conclusion and testimony of an expert and specialist. The current paper has shown the similarities and differences between these types of evidence and has also drawn attention to the features of their estimation by the preliminary investigation body and the court. There has been concluded that it is necessary to change the criminal procedure law in the sense that a specialist should become the basic procedural figure among them.

Keywords: expert opinion; opinion of a specialist; expert testimony; testimony of a specialist; special knowledge; proof; evidence.


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