
Vladimir Ev. Chebotarev. Issues of information systems’ security enforcement

UDK: 004.056.5(075.8)

Vladimir Ev. Chebotarev - Candidate of Economical Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department “Administrative law, ecological law, information law” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The problem of information systems’ security and, consequently, information as a key resource in the modern information society is something that all participants of information interaction in all ICT environment sectors face in one way or another. The current paper has analyzed the scientific and legislative approaches to the definition of the concept and essence of the information system, the typology of information systems. As a result, there has been proposed the author’s approach to definition of the investigated object, there has been identified the problem of “trust in the ICT environment”. The author has focused on the uncertainty of the legal regime of information systems, which directly has a negative impact on the efficiency of communication management in information systems and their protection from criminals.

Keywords: information system; security; information system operator; typology of information systems.


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