
Mikhail V. Zharikov, Irina Iv. Shatskaya. Transport and infrastructure aspects of the organization and support of the tourism industry during the COVID crisis

UDK: 338.4:656.01

Mikhail V. Zharikov - Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Irina Iv. Shatskaya - Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Administrative Law, Ecological Law, Information Law’, Law Institute, Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The relevance of studying the problems of transport and infrastructure support of the tourism industry has been manifested in the necessity to adapt the industry in an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation. The significance of the study results is in the development of approaches that allow the enterprises of the tourism industry to function taking into account the implementation of social distancing measures, special requirements for hygiene.

Keywords: transport problems; tourist infrastructure; COVID crisis; lockdown.


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