
Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov. Digital technologies: new approaches to information support of forensic examination of vehicle markings

UDK: 343.3/.7

Vladimir Al. Zhavoronkov - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department ‘Criminal law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has discussed the issues that characterize the features of the current state of information support for forensic examination of vehicle markings (hereinafter referred to as the FE VM). There have been described the role and significance of additional information for solving problems of this type of forensic examination, as well as its difference from additional information used in other types of forensic examination. The paper has also proposed the concept of additional information, considered as a source of data necessary for the production of examinations and studies of the FE VM. There were investigated and described its characteristics and features. The paper has identified some trends in the "improvement" of criminal activity dealing with the implementation of criminal schemes, including actions, from vehicle’s theft to its resale. There have been considered some features of the technology of new vehicles’ marking at manufacturing enterprises and there have been identified a positive role of these features for the establishment of the primary (factory) identification markings in the process of examinations of the FE VM. When studying the envisaged by law procedure for obtaining additional information by state forensic institutions, the author has concluded that it is necessary to change the general approach to information exchange processes and its implementation using modern information technologies, including digital ones. At the same time, there has been considered the need to change the regulatory framework for the information support of the forensic examination of the FE VM and to develop a mechanism for direct access of employees of state forensic institutions to the database containing information necessary for examinations of this type. In addition, the author has proposed specific measures to improve the information support of the forensic examination of the FE VM.

Keywords: forensic examination activity; information support; forensic examination of vehicle markings (the FE VM); identification marking.


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