
Nikolay A. Dukhno. Environmental security and transport

UDK: 502.1(075.8):656

Nikolay A. Dukhno - Doctor of Law, professor, Director of Law Institute, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation

Abstract. Based on the estimation of environmental security and transport, the paper deals with the person needs to meet opposing interests. On the one hand, people are constantly striving to meet constantly growing transportation needs, destroying and polluting the environment, creating environmental hazards. On the other hand, a person needs environmental safety, which is possible only in the favorable environment. The state of the environment in transport remains alarming, despite of the measures taken to reduce pollution of natural objects with transport products. The made efforts and the money invested in the environmental protective programs do not ensure environmental security in transport. In order to achieve environmental security, it is necessary to improve transport, introduce new technologies, eliminate harmful effects on the environment, compensate for environmental damage and educate high environmental and legal culture among transport workers.

Keywords: environmental security; environment; natural objects; pollution; destruction; human health; transport; transport system.


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