
Dariya D. Motasova. International legal regulation of the use of pilotless aerial vehicles

UDK: 341.9

Dariya D. Motasova - deputy General Director of LLC "Spetssetistroy"

Abstract. In the world there is currently a "boom" of pilotless aerial vehicles (PAVs). The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) estimates that the market for drones will reach 7 million FAA by 2020, and predicts a market growth of 2.8 times. The authorities of different countries consider that a sharp increase in the number of PAV launches requires special monitoring control [1]. According to the SESAR forecast, prepared with the support of the Boston Consulting Group, the flights of drones over a densely populated urban area in the countries of the European Union will occur for 250 million hours annually by 2050. In the countryside the number of PAVs will be smaller, but even in this case hundreds and thousands of PAVs will move in the air. The restriction of the ‘flights height and the prohibition to fly over any objects or territories increase the traffic density [2]. The concern is that in case of a targeted terrorist attack or a "small" cyber war, for example, the supply of electricity, the work of hospitals, airports, and industrial facilities can be stopped. Therefore, the question of PAVs’ application is of great relevance nowadays.

Keywords: pilotless vehicles; drone; aviation system security; cybercrimes; Artificial Intelligence.


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