Pavlov Andrey V. Functioning features of the transport organizations under international sanctions and countermeasures of the Russian Federation
UDK: 339.98:656
Pavlov Andrey V. - head advisor of the transport-logistics company "Transoil"
Abstract. The article considers the features of transport organizations’ business activities under economic sanctions and economic countermeasures taken by Russia against a number of foreign countries. There has been substantiated necessity to consider a sanctions regime as a special mode of business activity. The author identifies specificity of the application of civil legal protection means of rights and legal interests of transport entities under economic sanctions of foreign countries and the countermeasures of the Russian Federation. This specificity appears in the prevalence of jurisdictional forms of protection, the main of which is a legal recourse or a lawsuit, both national and international, as well as in the increasing role of state regulation of entrepreneurship, state support and state protection of domestic business entities which incur losses and other economic costs because of economic sanctions and Russia’s countermeasures.
Keywords: economic sanctions; economic countermeasures; sanctions regime of business activities; civil legal protection means of rights and legal interests.
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