
Popov V. Metro security: challenges and prospects

UDK: 656.2.08

Popov V. - senior lecturer at the department «Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics» of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. The article deals with the issues of ensuring the safety of passenger transportation in the metro of Russia. On the basis of the analysis of security measures in the metro, carried out the last eight years in accordance with the requirements of the presidential Decree of March 31, 2010 № 403 «on the establishment of a comprehensive system of public security in transport» and the Government decree of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2017 No. 410 «On approval of requirements for ensuring transport safety, including requirements to anti-terrorist security of objects (territories), taking into account security levels for different categories of metros», is considered as positive points in the security of citizens, mainly aimed at protection from terrorism and negative, associated, as before, with high mortality and injury of passengers in subway stations. The reasons and conditions that influenced the lack of an integrated approach to transport security in the Russian metro are given, as well as recommendations that can contribute to its quality, based on the fact that the life and health of each individual passenger is the highest value of the rule of law.

Keywords: transport safety; metro; metro; passengers; injuries; protective screens.


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