
Svetlana An. Bystryakova. Formation of state policy for the implementation of national goals of the development of the Russian Federation in the transport security system: public and legal issues of digital circulation and protection of personal data of citizens

UDK: 347.9

Svetlana An. Bystryakova - Joint Stock Company “Neftetransservis”

Abstract. At present systemic problems in the development of legal support for information security of the transport complex, as the current study shows, are of great priority and strategic importance due to their inclusion in the critical information infrastructure. The relevance of the study is currently determined by the requirements for the implementation of the strategic goals of national development, defined by the President of the Russian Federation after Inauguration on May 7, 2024. The implementation of strategic objectives of state policy which is aimed at prioritizing human rights and freedoms, justice in the social sphere and ensuring equality of citizens, society and state security, is directly related to the transport development, its multiplication with almost all spheres and industries, and the tasks of achieving digital maturity of the Russian economy in difficult conditions of further digitalization, sanctions aggression and the formation of a multipolar world. Strengthening the state sovereignty of Russia is associated with enforcing transport security in all its manifestations to achieve the required level of security. In the context of digital transformation, this is directly related to enforcing information security, protecting citizens from destructive information effect, and developing protection for the digital circulation of their personal data. There has been substantiated the relevance of this topic, considering the strategic objectives of national development, including those related to the development and adoption of an updated block of national projects on the development of transport system infrastructure, tourism, data economy, etc. In this regard, a scientific analysis is of great necessity according to information law, as well as based on law enforcement monitoring, the state of legal regulation and the development of processes for the formation of an intersectoral institution of legal regulation of the digital circulation of personal data in the transport security system.

Keywords: information security; transport security; protection of personal data; digital circulation of personal data; cross-border; identification of subjects.


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