Alisa V. Yanelis. Formation of a transport service quality management system
UDK: 656.6/8
Alisa V. Yanelis - Russian University of Transport
Abstract. In order to improve the service provided to passengers, there have been studied the competitive positions of the organization, current and potential opportunities of competing enterprises. Based on the study results, there have been calculated possible ways of market development of the activities of transport organizations. The current paper has presented a quality management system for transport services, covering the main stages, parts, mechanisms for its research and improvement. For this, there have been considered main stages of the service quality management of the transport company. The author has identified the components of the quality of passenger service and their impact on the competitiveness of the company. The author has also identified priority areas for improving the service quality for a passenger railway transport company. The paper has demonstrated the Ishikawa’s cause-and-effect diagram in the analysis of the quality of passenger service, for which aspects that affect the service quality were analyzed. Determining priority guidelines for improving quality, the management of the railway organization has a selective influence on specific elements and forms a strategy aimed at achieving the expected level of competitiveness of enterprise.
Keywords: quality; competitiveness; transport service; quality control.
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