Gennady Yu. Leshchov. Directions for improving legislation in the field of dangerous goods’ transportation by railway
UDK: 347.463:656.2.073(075.8)
Gennady Yu. Leshchov - Department of State Policy in the Field of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
Abstract. The author of the current paper has considered and substantiated urgent issues about the specifics of the dangerous goods’ transportation by railway. Features of such cargoes (due to physical properties, dangerous properties that require special care during transportation, capable of harming both a person and the environment), as well as the specifics of transportation by one of the most common modes of transport predetermine the necessity to develop certain regulatory approaches to such transportation. At the same time, the main goal-setting in such transportation is the prevention of negative impact on the environment. The current paper has focused on the main priority directions in the field of ensuring environmental safety in the dangerous goods’ transportation by rail. There have been risen questions of responsibility for causing environmental harm. As a result of the study, there have been proposed possible additions to the rules for dangerous goods’ transportation and the rules for the transportation of liquid cargo in bulk in tank vehicles and bunker-type vehicles for the transportation of oil bitumen, aimed at eliminating the negative impact on the environment caused by dangerous goods transported in cars, containers, as well as wagons-tanks, and creating equal competitive conditions for consigners.
Keywords: transportation; dangerous goods; environmental safety; innovative and environmentally friendly technologies; development of environmentally friendly industries; liability for environmental damage.
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