
Sergey Al. Semenov. On the issue of protecting transport infrastructure and vehicles from security incidents

UDK: 342.951:351.82

Sergey Al. Semenov - head of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Marine Security Service”

Abstract. According to a number of researchers, the concept of “security incident” is not entirely successful and requires linguistic concretization, overcoming lexical incompleteness. For these purposes, part 1 of Art. 1 of the Federal Law “On Transport Security” should be stated as follows: “a security incident in transport is an unlawful interference in the activities of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles, including a terrorist act that threatens the safe operation of the transport complex, resulting in damages to life and human health, material damage or creating a threat of such consequences”. An important issue that has a direct impact on the protection of transport infrastructure and vehicles is the lack of an exhaustive list of acts (actions) that are defined by the Federal Law “On Transport Security” as security incidents. The conducted analysis has shown that the state, through the legal institute of transport security, regulates public relations only in the part concerning security incidents, which, in the main, have signs of a terrorist act. Administrative and legal regulation of public relations related to the protection of transport infrastructure and vehicles from security incidents, the potential threat of which is not directly defined in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 2 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On Transport Security”, is limited by the prescription to the subjects of transport infrastructure and carriers contained in Part 1 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law “On Transport Security”, on imposing on them the enforcement of transport security of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles. In order to conscientiously observe the prescription of the law, subjects of transport infrastructure and carriers have the right, by their local acts, to determine the list of security incidents that threaten the safety of a particular transport infrastructure object or vehicle, and independently take the necessary measures to organize the protection of transport infrastructure objects and vehicles from them.

Keywords: security incidents; transport security/safety; transport infrastructure object; transport infrastructure entity; vehicle; transport security division.


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