
Svetlana V. Borisova. Legal regulation of contracting relations on railway transport using intellectual property

UDK: 347.763:656.2

Svetlana V. Borisova - Candidate of Law, docent, associate professor of the department ‘Civil law, International private law and Civil procedure’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Abstract. The current paper has examined the specifics of the legal regulation of contracting relations on railway transport, which is characterized by a special subject composition, a variety of objects of the transport complex, types of contract work, various levels of legal regulation, the presence of contractual contract structures not listed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, etc. There has been noted that JSC “Russian Railways”, as the main subject of local rule-making, when organizing economic ties with the participation of a group of persons (holding), in fact, self-regulates economic activities on railway transport. The author has also provided a systematics of contracts for the work on railway transport with elements of intellectual property, investigates the legal nature of design documentation containing information about intellectual property.

Keywords: railway transport holding; work contract; contract for research, development and technological work; order contract; intellectual property; tender documentation.


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