
Viktor V. Gorovoy, Vladislav V. Gorovoy. Some trends in security enforcement of the Russian transport complex

UDK: 347.822:351.814

Viktor V. Gorovoy - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department ‘Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics’ of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport

Vladislav V. Gorovoy - senior researcher of the Research Center-2 of PKU Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Abstract. On the basis of statistical data and scientific sources the current paper has considered the possible internal threats to the transport complex of the Russian Federation and its infrastructure. Taking into account the practical value because of certain restrictions in the specialized legislation, it is necessary to focus on optimization of the approaches to the implementation of transport security requirements. In particular, there has been substantiated the necessity to use the latest means and methods of inspection activities. The obtained data will allow identifying the priority areas of law enforcement activities in the field of transport security.

Keywords: transport complex; transport security/safety; transport security agency; vehicles; terrorist attack; crime prevention; passenger inspection.


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