
Mikhail V. Belyaev. On the issue of the diagnostic vehicle trace expertise in the insurance cases

UDK: 343.98.065

Mikhail V. Belyaev - Candidate of Law, associate professor of the department of weapons science and traceology of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot

Abstract. The current paper has considered the possibilities of the diagnostic vehicle trace expertise when solving the problems related to contact interaction of vehicles (road accidents). There have been considered the methodological aspects of the solved problems, one of which is the method of the road accident modeling. As an example, there have been presented the capabilities of the scale-up road accident modeling and damage matching in detail. This method has proven itself in the insurance cases.

Keywords: fact of contact interaction; scale-up road accident modeling; identification of the road accident circumstances; position of vehicles; information and reference data about a vehicle; insurance fraud.


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