Статьи номера | Issue №46

Articles of the journal issue №2 (46) (2nd quarter of 2023)

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Svetlana N. Zaikova. Anti-terrorist protection of railway transport: classification of measures of administrative coercion

UDK: 343.34

Svetlana N. Zaikova - Candidate in Law, docent, Saratov State Law Academy

Abstract. There has been conducted an analysis of measures of administrative coercion aimed at ensuring the observance and execution of mandatory requirements for transport security by the subjects of railway transport. The purposefulness, content, legal regulation, specific features and subjects of the application of coercive measures of anti-terrorist protection of railway transport are considered. In order to systematize them and improve procedural regulation, there has been proposed an author’s classification of measures of administrative coercion, depending on various criteria.

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