Nesterov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Editorial Board Chairman Candidate of Law The head of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) (Moscow) |
Koryakin Viktor Mikhailovich (Editor in Chief) Doctor of Law, Professor Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Transport Law and Security" |
Dukhno Nikolay Alekseevich Doctor of Law, Professor The honored worker of the higher professional education of the Russian Federation Advisor to the rector at the rector's office of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) (Moscow) |
Al-Issa Talal Yassin Professor The dean of the faculty of research and postgraduate studies, Ajloun National University, PhD in Law (Jordan) |
Bazhanov Stanislav Vasilievich Doctor of Law, Professor Professor of the department "Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics" of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) (Moscow) |
Belkin Anatoly Rafailovich Doctor of Law Professor of the Moscow Technological University (MIREA) (Moscow) |
Bogolyubov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Doctor of Law, Professor |
Vasiliev Fedor Petrovich Doctor of Law, Professor Chief Researcher of the Research Center of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia |
Veliev Isakhan Veysal-Ogly Doctor of Law, Professor Chief of the Foundation "Knowledge" under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan) |
Grigoriev Viktor Nikolaevich
Doctor of Law, Professor |
Danilina Elena Ivanovna Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Professor of the department "Administrative Law, Ecological Law and Information Law" of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) (Moscow) |
Zhavoronkova Nataliya Grigorievna Doctor of Law, Professor Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation Head of the department of environmental and natural resources law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (Moscow) |
Iroshnikov Denis Vladimirovich Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of “Theory of Law, Civil Law and Civil Procedure” of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) (Moscow) |
Kozin Mikhail Nikolaevich Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Main researcher of the Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Moscow) |
Kolotushkin Sergey Mikhailovich
Doctor of Law, Professor |
Minbaleev Aleksey Vladimirovich Doctor of Law, Docent Leading researcher of the sector of information law and international information security of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) |
Nadher Ahmed Mandeel Doctor of Law Assistant Professor of International Law in College of Law, Tikrit University (Tikrit, Iraq) |
Nashaat Edward Doctor of science, Professor Al-Obour High Institute of Management and Informatics, Egypt, Cairo, Obour City Высший институт менеджмента и информатики им. Аль-Обура (г. Эль-Убур, Египет) |
Polyakova Tatiyana Anatolievna
Doctor of Law, Docent |
Reingold Valery Arturovich Doctor of Law, Professor Director of the Doctoral Study "Juridical science" at the Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia) |
Tuchkova Elvira Galimovna Doctor of Law, Professor Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation Professor of the department of labour law and social security law at Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (Moscow) |
Zengiun Kuang Doctor of Law, Professor Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies (Wuhan, Hubei Province, P. R. China) |
Chebotareva Anna Aleksandrovna Doctor of Law, Docent Head of the department "Administrative Law, Ecological Law and Information Law" of the Law Institute of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) (Moscow) |
Shumaev Vitaliy Andreevich Doctor of Economy, Professor Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Pprofessor of the department of management and marketing of the Moscow S.U. Witte University (Moscow) |
Editorial Board
The editor-in-chief is Koryakin Viktor Mikhailovich, Doctor of Law (20.02.03), professor (е-mail: Korjakinmiit@rambler.ru).
Executive editor is Guseynova Albina Dzhabbarovna
Programmer and designer of the Website is Filippov Dmitry Sergeevich
Managing editor is Chebotarev Vladimir Evgenievich
English version is Skuybedina Olga Nikolaevna