
Svetlana V. Borisova, Anastasiya S. Semicheva, Tatiyana M. Khimich. Holding as the way to organize business activities in railway transport: the correlation between public and private interests

UDK: 656.2:658.012.12

Svetlana V. Borisova - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Anastasiya S. Semicheva - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia

Tatiyana M. Khimich - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. Privatization of the property of Russian transport, separation of functions of state regulation and management of economic activity predetermined a new direction of private law regulation of economic activity in transport. The current paper has established that the non-legal entrepreneurial and other associations established in each mode of transport, which differ in the method of internal organization and the status of the economic entities managing them, behind which stands the figure of the state, realizing public functions in the organization of their economic activity by means of private law instruments, turned to be the most popular ones. The participation of public-law entities in them did not reduce, but increased the problematic nature of their legal regulation, bringing with it a new approach both to understanding public and private interests in the system of their functioning, and to actualizing the problem of the correlation between private and public law in the mechanism of legal regulation. According to the authors, modern science lacks proper theoretical understanding of the goals and methods of state participation in these relations in the context of the latest correlation between public and private interests in transport. According to the analysis of a holding company in railway transport, there has been concluded that the normative model of their functioning in the absence of a general law is formed in the local law-making of companies with state participation, becoming the "locomotive» of the process of developing civilistic instruments in the field of regulating relations with the participation of associations of people under state control in Russia. There have been given recommendations to improve corporate management in a holding company in railway transport.

Keywords: associations in transport; public and private interest; local law-making; corporate management; holding management; economic management; convergence of public and private law in transport.


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