Nataliya Al. Grishko. Criminal features of organized crime in transport: modern analysis and response methods
UDK: 343.9
Nataliya Al. Grishko - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia
Abstract. In recent years, organized crime has increasingly developed new mechanisms of criminal attacks, especially in transport, which, being the most important economic component, traditionally attracts the attention of representatives of organized criminal communities. The process of merging criminal and economic organized crime itself appears to be long-term, subject to the effect of both positive and negative external factors. Modern criminal features of organized crime in transport act as a kind of indicator of the key directions and trends of this illegal activity. The current paper has studied the role of transport infrastructure both as an object of selfish interest of organized criminal groups, and the importance of criminological forecasting for the development of strategies and methods of counteraction. Particular attention has been paid to the necessity for legal regulation to strengthen the legal basis for combating transport crimes. There has been studied a destabilizing effect of the corruption factor in the process of combating organized crime in transport. A significant role has been given to victimological prevention to potential possible objects of criminal attacks. There has been noted that the development of the transport industry itself contributed not only to the emergence of new types of crime, but also to a change in the tactics of criminal activity in related areas. The registered crime rates cited in the current paper are falling due to both the efficiency of the preventive activities of authorized entities, and the process of the presented crimes becoming latent. There have been defined and criminologically substantiated the most acute issues, the solution of which is aimed at improving and increasing the efficiency in combating organized crime in transport.
Keywords: criminal features; organized crime; victimological prevention; organized criminal groups; criminological forecasting; corruption.
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