
Denis Ev. Zaikov. Airport border security: retrospective analysis and legal regulation prospects

UDK: 349

Denis Ev. Zaikov - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The current paper, within the framework of a retrospective analysis of the development of aviation security regulation, has considered the features of legal regulation of the organization and implementation of airport border protection from the point of view of the list of entities authorized to carry out the relevant functions. There have been identified the reasons for the legislator's decision to demonopolize the specified sphere of public relations and estimated the prospects for their further development in connection with the upcoming transition to regulating issues of protecting civil aviation from acts of illegal interference within the framework of legislation on transport security.

Keywords: transport security; aviation security; transport security units; airport border security; acts of illegal interference; aviation enterprises; non-departmental security.


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