
Aleksandr Ol. Troitsky. Illegal arms trafficking as a threat to national security

UDK: 343

Aleksandr Ol. Troitsky - Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The current paper is devoted to the study of the problem of illegal arms trafficking as one of the key threats to national security. The paper has studied the nature and scale of this phenomenon, its correlation with terrorist activity, organized crime and regional instability. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of factors which increase illegal arms trafficking, such as legal gaps and international smuggling. The paper has presented the statistics confirming the growth of cases of illegal weapons use, which proves the necessity of effective countermeasures. The study has highlighted that the fight against illegal weapons trafficking requires a systemic and multifaceted approach aimed at protecting national interests and ensuring public safety.

Keywords: illegal arms trafficking; national security; analysis of crime factors; arms trafficking in transport; arms smuggling.


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