
Valentina Iv. Shiyan. Crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport: status, tendencies, and preventive measures

UDK: 43.3/.7(075)

Valentina Iv. Shiyan - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. At the present stage of development of society in all countries of the world, crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport pose a threat to state and public security, since they are associated with huge social, material and demographic losses. The solution to the problems of ensuring traffic safety is not limited by the framework of a single state and the norms of national legislation. The international community is actively involved in addressing issues related to improving road safety, as evidenced by numerous global conferences, high-level international meetings, and final documents (declarations, resolutions, global plans, technical documentation packages, etc.) that outline the main proposed measures, call for the establishment of national targets to reduce the number of deaths, and the development and implementation of regional, national and subnational plans that include road safety targets. The relevance of the issues discussed in the paper is underlined by the fact that the period from 2021 to 2030 has been declared by the United Nations as the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety. The paper has presented the study results of the Russian legislation, documents of international organizations, scientific works, and statistical indicators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the period from 2019 to 2023 on crimes under Chapter 27 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which made it possible to identify their status, dynamics, tendencies, and basic preventive measures. There has been drawn an attention to the latency of the type of crime under study and the regional component. According to the author, the consistent tendency of decreasing crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport recorded by official statistics is explained by the improved efficiency of preventive measures and the effectiveness of interaction between the entities implementing these measures.

Keywords: crimes against traffic safety and operation of transport; Chapter 27 of the CC of RF; transport crimes; modern tendencies; state of crimes; criminological characteristics; preventive measures.


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