
Aleksandr D. Serov. The Northern Sea Route in the Context of Russia’s Arctic Policy

UDK: 338.47

Aleksandr D. Serov - The Northern Sea Route in the Context of Russia’s Arctic Policy

Abstract. The Arctic region has an undeniably valuable resource potential. Its consistent, reasonable development allows ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation and satisfying its national interests. The Northern Sea Route acts as a national transport communication in the context of Arctic policy. The current paper has substantiated that the infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route and its purpose are determined historically. Based on the international legal approach to the formation of customary norms, as well as the urgent need for full regulation of the legal status and mode of use of the Northern Sea Route, the Russian Federation is currently taking active steps to adopt the necessary legal norms to regulate relations in this area of relations. Due to the strategic importance of the Northern Sea Route in the Arctic territories, foreign countries are increasingly turning to the issue of internationalization of this water area, primarily to ensure unimpeded navigation. There has been concluded that such an approach will not only negatively affect the state of the sea territories but may also negatively affect the national security of the Russian state. There has been also confirmed the idea of the necessity to develop and adopt the Arctic Code of the Russian Federation, which will become the only legal document that will also predetermine the procedure and conditions for using the Northern Sea Route. There has been emphasized the need for consistent development of federal standards that will determine the quality of life of people in the Arctic territories, which is very important in the context of protecting indigenous peoples. Finally, there has been concluded that research and development in regulation of the Northern Sea Route have an extremely large-scale diversity, that is why it is necessary to continue studying and identifying problems in this area of relations, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the protection and provision of national security of the state.

Keywords: Arctic region; Arctic policy; the Northern Sea Route; national interests; national security; transport communications; water area; sea territories.


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