
Evgeny V. Sem’yanov. Social and legal responsibility of business when using new technologies in taxis

UDK: 656.13

Evgeny V. Sem’yanov - Candidate of Law, associate professor, Moscow City Arbitration and Tax Bar Association “People of Business”

Abstract. The author of the current paper has considered the issues of organizing a “taxi” community, uniting owners of organizations and taxi drivers, as well as current concerns of social and legal responsibility of the taxi business.

Keywords: law; self-regulatory organization; digitalization of taxi activities; social responsibility; legal liability of business.


  1. Taler, R. Novaya povedencheskaya ekonomika: pochemu lyudi narushayut pravila traditsionnoy ekonomiki i kak na etom zarabotat' [New behavioral economics: why people break the rules of traditional economics and how to make money from it] / R. Taler. — Moskva : Eksmo, 2022.

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