
Elena G. Bagreeva. Review of the monograph by N. V. Gruver, A. I. Zemlin and I. V. Kholikov «Legal Problems and Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions for Realizing the Integration Potential of Volunteering while Training Specialists in the Field of Law»

UDK: 378.183

Elena G. Bagreeva - Doctor of Law, professor, professor of the International and Public Law Department of the Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. The current paper has provided a review of the monograph “Legal Problems and Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions for Realizing the Integration Potential of Volunteering while Training Specialists in the Field of Law”, prepared by a team of authors from the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Russian University of Transport.

Keywords: volunteer activity/volunteering; educational environment of the university; legal culture; integration potential; legal education.


  1. Gruver, N. V. Pravovyye problemy i organizatsionno-pedagogicheskiye usloviya realizatsii integratsionnogo potentsiala volonterskoy deyatel'nosti v protsesse podgotovki spetsialistov v oblasti yurisprudentsii [Legal problems and organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the integration potential of volunteer activity in the process of training specialists in the field of jurisprudence]: monografiya / N. V. Gruver, , A. I. Zemlin, , I. V.. Kholikov. ― Moskva : Rusayns, 2021.

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