
Margarita R. Klyueva. Objects of ensuring sustainable development and security of the transport system in the Donetsk People’s Republic

UDK: 656.01

Margarita R. Klyueva - Leading lawyer of the economic security problems’ research department, SBI "Institute of Economic Research", Donetsk, Russia

Abstract. The current paper has considered the objects of the transport system of the Donetsk People's Republic that ensure its sustainable development and security, namely, railway, sea and river, automobile, urban electric transport, and pipeline transport, and analyzed their role in ensuring the smooth operation of the transport system. All types of transport in the Donetsk People's Republic play an important role in ensuring mobility and accessibility of transport services for the population, as well as in the sustainable development and security of the region. There has been concluded that continuous improvement and modernization of the transport system contribute to economic development, raising the standard of living of citizens and attracting investment. The introduction of advanced technologies, improving the quality of service and updating the infrastructure are key measures for the further development of the region's transport system.

Keywords: objects; security enforcement; transport system; transport infrastructure; roads; passenger transportation.


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