
Vitaly V. Klyuev. Final forming legal scheme in the field of autonomous shipping in Russia

UDK: 656.61

Vitaly V. Klyuev - director of the Department of State Policy in the field of maritime and inland water transport of the Ministry of Transport of Russia

Abstract. The formation of a legal framework for the operation of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) in Russia with the entry into force of the federal law on autonomous vessels and a set of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities on the topic of autonomous navigation provided for by this law is almost complete. From September 1, 2024, subjects of public relations related to the operation of autonomous and semi-autonomous marine and river vessels will be able to make the transition to this new technology if appropriate technical capabilities are available. The existence of a large number of legal acts that form the regulatory framework for autonomous navigation requires systematic understanding, analysis and consideration in order to apply them comprehensively in practice. This publication is aimed at generalizing the ideas and provisions of individual acts in the field of autonomous navigation, outlining regulated legal relations in a systemic relationship.

Keywords: merchant shipping; autonomous shipping; maritime law; regulation of maritime autonomous surface ships; external crew of a sea vessel; external captain of a sea vessel; organization competent in the field of autonomous shipping.


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  2. Klyuyev, V. V. Uchastiye Rossiyskoy Federatsii v razrabotke mezhdunarodnykh pravovykh instrumentov v oblasti avtonomnogo sudokhodstva [Participation of the Russian Federation in the development of international legal instruments in the autonomous shipping]// V. V. Klyuyev [i dr.] // Transportnoye pravo i bezopasnost'. ― 2024. ― № 1C. ― S. 9―267.
  3. Klyuyev, V. V. Razvitiye zakonodatel'stva v oblasti avtonomnogo sudokhodstva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii / [Development of legislation in the field of autonomous shipping in the Russian Federation] / Transportnoye pravo i bezopasnost'. ― 2023. ― № 4(48). ― S. 74―89.

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