
Olga N. Skuybedina, Anastasiya Ed. Sobalevskaya. The effect of advertisement context on road safety enforcement

UDK: 656.13

Olga N. Skuybedina - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Anastasiya Ed. Sobalevskaya - Moscow Polytechnic University

Abstract. The current paper has presented the results of an experimental study to examine the effect of the context of advertisement on the level of message perception and changes in behavioral intentions regarding drunk driving. During the experiment, 112 students of the Moscow Polytechnic University aged 20-23 watched three advertising videos prohibiting drunk driving. The conducted survey and the obtained results have confirmed the main effect of advertising orientation on the perceived threat, efficiency, acceptance, or rejection of the advertisement. There has been found a dependence of the perception of the advertising message on the change in behavioral attitude to the problem among high (HSS) and low (LSS) sensation seekers. The data analysis has shown that for both HSS and LSS, sensory-oriented advertisement was more effective in enhancing perceived threat, message acceptance, or message rejection than cognitive-oriented messages. There has been also established that relative superiority of sensory-oriented advertising in changing the behavioral intentions of respondents over cognitive-oriented advertising, which will allow increasing the level of responsible driving and, thereby, the level of road safety while creating and developing more convincing advertisement.

Keywords: advertisement; road safety; road accidents; drunk driving; advertising efficiency; social advertising.


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