
Viktor M. Koryakin. Some issues of legal support for the design and construction of the high-speed railway Moscow ― St. Petersburg

UDK: 338.4

Viktor M. Koryakin - Doctor of Law, professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Abstract. There have been considered the main prerequisites for the design and construction of high-speed railway lines in Russia. There have been analyzed historical aspects of this issue. There has been given a general description of the main parameters of the Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed railway project, the implementation of which in 2024 is becoming practical. There has been substantiated a necessity to improve legal regulation of issues of design, construction, and operation of high-speed highways as a mandatory condition for the implementation of this project. There have been proposed coherent changes and additions to transport legislation aimed at legal legitimization of high-speed rail transport in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: high-speed railway; transport strategy; railway transport; legal support for railway construction.


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